Clive joined Nockolds in 2015 and is a Consultant Planning Barrister in our Commercial Property Team. He specialises in planning, property, regeneration and commercial landlord and tenant work. His planning experience includes compulsory purchase and compensation and he also does rating and valuation cases.
Clive is a seasoned litigator and advocate but also has considerable experience as an adviser and of drafting work within his specialisms. Clients include local planning authorities (including national park authorities), developers (from volume house-builders to individuals and house-holders), investors, funders, insurers and charities.
Clive has previously been recommended in Chambers & Partners Guide to the London Planning Bar; his 2015 recommendation includes: ‘Clive is a master at explaining complex, technical issues and their immediate implications for the client’s situation in a very clear and practical way. He also has great commercial understanding.’