Fully Managed HR

HR Packages that can be Tailored around your Business requirements

At Nockolds HR we provide comprehensive operational HR support that is tailored to meet the needs of your business, and within a monthly fee that is affordable for your budget.

Our fully managed HR packages are tailored around your business’ specific HR requirements. We will develop a package that is suitable for your business and that takes into consideration elements such as the number of employees you have, your requirements for HR tech, service usage expectations, and the level of HR support that will be required. We will also discuss your budget expectations. 

Our low-cost monthly fees are reflective of the above criteria, to enable you to tailor the package around your business requirements and budget and to ensure that you get optimum use of your fully managed HR package

Elements that can be included within our full managed HR package typical include:

HR Documentation

  • Audit of existing employment contracts OR provision of new/updated contracts of employment
  • Audit of existing Staff Handbook OR provision of new/updated Staff Handbook
  • Additional company policies as per business' requirements

HR Tech

Cloud based HR system

  • Core modules as standard
  • Additional modules available at small monthly cost: Rota and time recording, Recruitment and Application Management, eLearning

HR Advice

Drafting of template letters - For employee relation matters

Professional HR advice via our telephone helpline to provide assistance on HR matter such as:

  1. Grievances;
  2. Disciplinaries;
  3. Dismissals;
  4. Sickness absence;
  5. Performance management;
  6. Small scale redundancies;
  7. Family friendly rights;
  8. Flexible working;
  9. Discrimination & equality;
  10. Harassment and bullying;
  11. Whistleblowing.


  • Legal updates to employment documentation following employment law changes (including annual review of employment documents).
  • Nockolds HR / Employment Law Newsletters - including employment law updates and HR guidance.
    • Nockolds HR client email updates - informing you of changes in legislation and essential HR news
  • Annual review of service usage

Our professional HR Consultants are available to discuss your business’ HR requirements. Please contact us via enquiries@nockoldshr.co.uk or call  0345 646 0406 to speak to a member of our team.